16 May 2022

but two wishes ...

if i had but two wishes, i would give them to you, my two sons, my lovely boys.
would that you'd think of me, when i'm gone and with our good God, and you're sitting on your giant wrap-around porch in some southern clime, with your brood in the yard playing their favorite games, with voices rising sweetly toward sunset.

and when you feel a warm summer breeze on your faces, would that you'd think fondly of fat, squishy, bald dad and turn to give your little ones your wishes -- a baton of blessing -- golden wishes that see the best in everything, and forgive easily, and work hard for good things for family, friends, and those in need as our faith dictates.

if i had but two wishes, i wouldn't have to wish because i already have them in you, my boys.


Caleb Garcia said...

This is beautiful Johnny G, you're not dying are you?

Interesting that you hold onto the country side dream, a crookshank existence where life is a little simpler. Some people like the rat race John, it has helped turn you into the man you are today and all of us who want that chance, need it.

lisa golightly said...

What a beautiful picture you paint. Thank you ! Lisa

One Ticked Chick said...

Whenever I read one of your posts about your sons, JG, I think how fortunate they are to have you as their father. I can hear your response already, "I'm lucky to have them as my sons."

Julie@beingRUBY said...

What beautiful words and perfectly matched image!! Your sons are well loved.

Julia Christie said...

Lovely words for sweet boys.
Hope you are doing well and holding on tight to those sweet boys- they are the cream in your life, all that really matters, and yes, the true loves of your life. Everything else pales a bit when we hold our sons close.
Smiles JG


Christi Jo said...

Sweet, sweet words. I think I will change sons to daughters and send it to our girls...JK! I know your heart melts as does mine when we think of our children. We too are well loved by our children bringing joy to our lives daily. Your boys are amazing...like father, like sons. Blessings!

Penelope said...

This is so beautiful (and I totally understand it!)

Los Angeles Singles said...

That sounds like such a beautiful image.