29 January 2014

Boys are silly. Thank God for that.

Sometimes you come across an old photo or a home movie and you think: "My God, I'll never get this time back." But we really do have it, don't we? In our hearts, and on our desktops, and in our sepia filtered remembrances (like all good memories are) to remind us of our loved ones. Some who passed away too young (like my little brother, Chad). Some who have been missing for far too long (like my sons' great-great-uncle Ralph, missing since the Korean War). And, of course those whom we just miss and haven't seen in forever, like friends from grad school, or neighbors from a previous home, or childhood friends who are in fact closer than a brother or sister, but somehow we haven't spoken to them in 10 or 20 years. Good gawd, I sound like a Kodak commercial! (which, believe it or not, is what I shot this little bit of footage on; an old personal 5 megapixel Kodak digital camera).

I recently found this little 30-second video clip from when my boys were eight and six (I think), and they just exude boyhood. Boyhood: when a scrap of throw-away cardboard box, and a towel tied into a cape, and a shoehorn for a sword can fill an hour of a lazy Sunday afternoon.

Boys are silly. Thank God for that.


Jane said...

I agree that special things you remember forever in fact that is why on some levels photos are pointless because they can't actually capture the memory.

Sweet boys, remind me of mine!

Love the antique computer in the background too.

One Ticked Chick said...

During an otherwise unsettling week, that made me smile.

Toad said...

Amen, and thanks for good memories.

Kathy said...

Adorable!....giggling and out of breath....I want to feel like that. Nice post. K

Caleb Garcia said...

Very good sir, I miss the 'ol rascals. I think you had one too many "of"s in here, and interesting that you said your "sons' great-great-uncle" instead of just saying your great uncle. hmmm...but a nice read.

Dumbwit Tellher said...

Makes me smile but teary. The best memories are the simple ones. I recall those huge boxes that fueled imaginations for days. That a box of 64 crayolas in which to decorate said box! I miss my boys everyday & my eldest daughter. Great video, great sons JG. x

Patty said...

So cute, I was just looking at old photos the other day and it's amazing how many good memories you can remember.

Barbara said...

My entire childhood is on 8mm film. An uncle was the culprit; his daughter was the same age and so we were his "stars".

Now in the days of cellphone videos and YouTube, we'll all be stars whether we want to be or not. (Oh well, I didn't have a choice with Uncle Warren, either!)

hello gorgeous said...

Sweet. And bittersweet (your brother). xo

Maia said...

An off-season slip-n-slide! Brilliant.

Yes, I keep telling myself I need to take more video. This time goes so quickly, the way they talk and laugh and mispronounce...but there are only so many hours in a day and my blogging hours are filled with photo-editing. I think someday I may regret this decision. Someday when I can't remember how she said "Ah-ooh-Ah-ooh!!" instead of "I love you". But oh, I will have all of these beautiful, beautiful photos.

A lovely post. Thank you. And thanks for visiting us again.