if i had but two wishes, i would give them to you, my two sons, my lovely boys.
would that you'd think of me, when i'm gone and with our good God, and you're sitting on your giant wrap-around porch in some southern clime, with your brood in the yard playing their favorite games, with voices rising sweetly toward sunset.
and when you feel a warm summer breeze on your faces, would that you'd think fondly of fat, squishy, bald dad and turn to give your little ones your wishes -- a baton of blessing -- golden wishes that see the best in everything, and forgive easily, and work hard for good things for family, friends, and those in need as our faith dictates.
if i had but two wishes, i wouldn't have to wish because i already have them in you, my boys.
You know as a writer if you’ve written well when you strike a nerve in your reader; you get some sign of emotion whatever what form it takes. Your words have accomplished this JGregg. I envisioned your boys now men, soaking in the love of their family as they watched them play like the boys they once were. Teaching our children of forgiveness, appreciation, hard work and faith are truly the most valuable gifts.
Your sons are blessed to have you as their father. I believe you heart is a big as an ocean. (Eeeghads I hope that doesn’t sound as corny as I think it does? I hope you get my jest?)
Please disregard my "whatever what", it should have read, "whatever". I will never get a job as a copywriter or an English professor!
I cried for two hours, you're a genius.
Beautiful. It was just the right thing to see on my journey back to this blogosphere. The image is perfect for such a lovely prayer. Thank you!
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